We have been conducting studies in cooperation with IFH Media Analytics since 2016. Here you can find an overview of our previous studies. All studies are only available in German.
Cross-media studies
ChannelUP Vol. 2 (2024)
Geo-marketing - Targeting and customising offers
ChannelUP Vol. 1 (2024)
Activation of switch buyers, view of offer affinity, advertising refusers and perception of REWE leaflet setting
ChannelUP Vol. 4 (2023)
Retrospective of channel changes for the individual quarterly surveys, as well as an outlook for the coming year 2024
ChannelUP Vol. 3 (2023)
Channel changes in food retail - also with a view to the current REWE issue
ChannelUP Vol. 2 (2023)
Offer communication in the digital age
ChannelUP Vol. 1 (2023)
Offer communication in the context of rising inflation
It`s a match! (2022)
Channels of offer communication and their cross-media interaction.
Medien auf Partnersuche (2022)
Dating profiles in the area of offer communication (based on group discussions).
Prospectus studies
Die Bedeutung des Prospekts (2022)
The use and perception of printed brochures and offer/brochure apps.
Der Prospekt als Markenbotschafter (2020)
An analysis of the importance of the brochure for retailer brands.
Zielgruppe Werbeverweigerer (2018)
An analysis of different types of advertising refusers.