
Market research

Our dedicated team of market research experts regularly conducts in-depth studies to understand the acceptance of advertising and the general use of various channels. This enables us to keep a close eye on current changes and trends in the world of offer communication and to provide our customers with targeted advice based on well-founded results.

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How do retailers keep track of the dynamic developments in the world of offer communication? The answer: Our new - together with IFH Media Analytics - developed together with IFH Media Analytics ChannelUP.

Every quarter, ~1,000 participants are surveyed not only on the use of various channels of offer communication, but also on current events and trends.

Please note: our studies are only available in German.

Grafik ChannelUP 2024 Vol. 2

Volume 2 (2024)

Special topic: Geo-marketing - Targeting and organising offers

Industries analysed: Food retail, retailers of durable goods (personal furnishings, home(works), garden, consumer electronics)

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Volume 1 (2024)

Special topic: Activation of switch buyers, view of offer affinity, advertising refusers and REWE leaflet attitude

Sectors analysed: Food retail, DIY stores, consumer electronics centres, furniture and home furnishing stores, non-food discount stores

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Volume 4

Special topic: Retrospective of channel changes for the individual quarterly surveys, as well as an outlook for the coming year 2024

Sectors analysed: Food retail, beverage and consumer electronics centres


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Volume 3

Special topic: Channel changes in food retailing - also with a view to the current REWE issue

Sector analysed: Food retailing



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Volume 2

Special topic:Offer communication in the digital age

Industries analysed: Food retail, furniture and furnishing stores, clothing and textile discounters


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Volume 1

Special topic: Offer communication in the context of rising inflation

Industries analysed: Food retail, non-food discounters, DIY stores


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Study archive

Previous studies

We have been conducting regular market research since 2016. Among other things, we have intensively analysed the target group of advertising refusers and the cross-media interaction of different channels of offer communication.


To the archive

Series of ChannelUP studies
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Do you have any questions about our studies?

Then please contact me!

Portrait Palle Presting

Palle Presting

Team Lead Marketing & Research

+49 2161 4660 328