We are starting our market research year with IFH MEDIA ANALYTICS, the new subsidiary brand of IFH KÖLN. IFH MEDIA ANALYTICS focusses on the design and performance of cross-media product communication. The Cologne-based company's overarching goal is to make retail advertising measurable. The study "The Future of Media", which was published in January, also sheds light on why this will be so important in the future.
Cross-media offer communication
Our joint study on ideal offer communication in retail will be published in June 2022 and will shed light on the use and function of all relevant media channels. So that the wait until then is not too long, there are already two short studies in advance: "Media in search of partners - dating profiles in the area of offer communication" will be published in February, and in April we will focus on insights into leaflets in 2022.
Cross-media communication strategies are often the key to maximising advertising success. Based on the results of both qualitative and quantitative consumer surveys, the large-scale study addresses issues relating to the use and deployment of popular advertising channels for offer communication.
EHI Retail Institute: Retail 2035 - Offer Communication Initiative
The "Retail 2035 - Offer Communication Initiative" founded by the EHI Retail Institute is focussing on the future of offer communication. Together with retailers and service partners, the initiative takes a look at future challenges and develops innovative ideas and solutions.
EHI Managing Director Michael Gerling explains: "The future always harbours opportunities and threats. The aim of our initiative is to provide retailers with the tools they need for strategic planning and early detection. Together with renowned partners from the retail and service sectors, we are tackling this topic and are looking forward to exciting and groundbreaking results!"
As a retail partner, MEDIA Central is of course also part of the initiative and is working together with other high-ranking participants and the EHI Retail Institute to develop pioneering solutions for offer communication. You can find all partners at www.initiative-angebotskommunikation.de.
You can look forward to insights on all aspects of offer communication. All information and publication dates can be found here on our MEDIA Central Blog. In the meantime, you can find our latest studies HERE. Our market research experts will be happy to answer your questions at any time!