Imagine if people were looking for a partner through offer communication channels such as leaflets, leaflet apps or print adverts. What would they be looking for? How would they present themselves? In the free short study published in February, we looked at this question together with IFH MEDIA ANALYTICS and qualitatively personalised and profiled the channels.
In our study "It's a match - channels of offer communication and their cross-media interaction" published today, we now look at which channels "clicked". We surveyed a total of 3,000 consumers, took a close look at 13 channels and analysed them across five different sectors.
The model we introduced in the joint study assumes that individual profiles or personalities (mono-media approach) must first come together with different channels (multi-media approach) in order to ultimately work together (cross-media approach).
The model is therefore initially about understanding individual channels and their use & perception, impact, strengths & weaknesses and target groups in order to then position them in a multimedia way and, as a "freestyle", to interlink them cross-medially via orchestration & linking.
The use of multiple channels is nothing new for marketers. However, there is a risk that the channels will be used and perceived completely independently of each other. However, only a combination of cross-media use can utilise the full potential of offer communication. But how do marketing experts move from a multi- to a cross-media strategy?
Which channels complement each other best depends on the industry and the communication objective. However, retailers can also help shape and simplify the channel change for consumers, for example by using QR codes in printed leaflets to download the retailer app. Another cross-media application can be the retailer's orchestrated communication of offers by playing suitable advertising after the use or perception of an initial channel. The timing of the individual forms of advertising is also crucial in order to coordinate cross-media offer communication: For example, radio adverts during the week can point to the leaflet reading at the weekend.
The entire study can be purchased on the MEDIA Central website. On 7 June, our colleague Palle Presting, Marketing Manager, and Jens-Peter Gödde, Senior Project Manager at IFH KÖLN, will also be presenting the study in more detail as part of the ECC WEB TALKS. Register now free of charge!
The free short study “Medien auf Partnersuche - dating profiles in offer communication", published in February, provides an insight into the various media used in offer communication. The free short study "Die Bedeutung des Prospekts 2022" focusses on the medium of leaflets.
Special thanks go to the premium sponsors of this study: Deutsche Post | EGRO mediengruppe | FUNKE MediaSales | media group westfalen | Offerista Group